Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup #2

Carole Kurowski • 2 minutes • 2021-10-05

Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup #2

The newly formed Helsinki HashiCorp User Group is a quarterly meetup full of interesting talks and insights about all things HashiCorp, plus a chance to connect with fellow professionals and hobbyists alike.

Our friends over at Upcloud were the gracious hosts for the second Helsinki HUG (HashiCorp User Group), held on 23rd September. This time HUG was held in real life, as well as online. So, as well as a couple of great presentations, in person visitors got to socialise, drink beer, eat pizza, and enjoy sauna!

Here's a brief summary of the talks along with links to the presentation decks, and the full meetup recording.

Managing IaC with Terragrunt by Petri Autero, Cloud Specialist at Kooka Consulting Oy

After a welcoming introduction by Mikko Karjula, Business Development Manager at Upcloud, HUG #2 kicked off with a talk on Managing IaC with Terragrunt. Petri has helped hundreds of companies manage their infrastructure using Terragrunt, and covered the following topics:

  • What is Terragrunt?
  • Terragrunt key features
  • Keeping your code DRY
  • Live demo
  • Q&A

Check out Petri's presentation here.

The current state of the Cloud Development Kit for Terraform by Roberth Strand, Cloud Architect at Crayon and HashiCorp Ambassador#

Next up we heard from Roberth Strand from Crayon, who shared his overview on the current state of the CDK for Terraform, including:

  • What is the Cloud Development Kit for Terraform?
  • CDK versus other IaC tools
  • Example deployments

Check out Roberth's presentation here.

Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup #3#

We rounded off the 'formal' part of the meetup with some closing words from Anoop from Verifa. Then it was time for beer, pizza and sauna!

A huge thank you to everyone who attended, to the speakers for sharing their knowledge and insights and Upcloud for hosting an awesome HUG.

The next Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup will be in early December - date tba. If you haven't already, join the meetup group here so you don't miss the next one. Look forward to seeing you there!

Helsinki HUG is always on the lookout for speakers, so if you have super cool HashiCorp tools experience that you'd like to share get in touch with the organisers, Laurior Anoop. Also open for sponsorships - host venue, snacks, swag! Likewise, get in touch!



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