Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup #3 summary

Carole Kurowski • 3 minutes • 2021-12-18

Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup #3 summary

The newly formed Helsinki HashiCorp User Group is a quarterly meetup full of interesting talks and insights about all things HashiCorp, plus a chance to connect with fellow professionals and hobbyists alike.

The third Helsinki HUG held on 7th December coincided with Slush, the world's leading startup event, and was an official Slush side event. This time around, Eficode was the gracious host. We gathered at their downtown offices, to listen to talks from Eficode and Supermetrics, enjoy some chit chat, snacks, drinks and sauna. The presentations were also live streamed for those joining online.

Here's a brief summary of the talks along with links to the presentation decks, and the full meetup recording.

Helsinki HashiCorp User Group 2021 retrospective#

To kick off proceedings Anoop from Verifa took a brief look back at 2021 which saw Helsinki HUG's inaugural meetup! From a seed of an idea at the start of 2021, the first meetup took place online in June streamed from Verifa's office, followed by the first in-person event in September hosted by Upcloud. And now here we are with the third meetup in December hosted by Eficode. We're pleased to see that the membership has grown from 48 people in June to 94 as of 7 December 2021. Can we reach 100 by the end of the year? Invite your all your HashiCorp-loving friends to join!

HUG membership growth chart

Using Packer and Terraform to manage multiple compute image versions#

After a welcome introduction by Tuomas Leppilampi, DevOps Team Lead at Eficode, we heard from Duy Nguyen and Dawit Nida from Supermetrics. Duy is an SRE Engineer at Supermetrics hailing originally from software development sphere and has taken part in a wide range of projects big and small on all levels of software development lifecycle. Dawit is a Senior DevOps Engineer and one of the first members of Supermetrics' DevOps team. He's responsible for managing and monitoring the entirety of Supermetrics' infrastructure. Their talk covered:

  • Baking Images & AMIs with Packer
    • What & why?
    • What's inside the packer directory?
    • Baking images & AMIs with Packer
  • Provisioning Infra with Terraform
  • Summary & QA

Check out Duy and Dawit's presentation here.

Secure infrastructure with HashiCorp - First steps into security with Vault and Boundary#

Next up, Lauri Huhta from Eficode gave a talk about taking the first steps into utilising HashiCorp tools to build secure infrastructures. Lauri is a DevOps-consultant at Eficode specialising in building data-infrastructures. His entry-level friendly presentation went over the basic functionalities of Vault and Boundary, demonstrating the process with a live demo.

  • Recap of Vault
  • Recap of Boundary
  • Live demo

Check out Lauri's presentation here.

Helsinki HUG Meetup #4 coming in 2022#

We rounded off the 'formal' part of the meetup with some closing words from Anoop. Then it was time socialising and sauna!

A huge thank you to everyone who attended, to the speakers for sharing their knowledge and insights and Eficode for hosting a very Slushy HUG. The next Helsinki HashiCorp User Group Meetup will be in March 2022 - date tba. If you haven't already, join the meetup group here so you don't miss the next one. Look forward to seeing you there!

Helsinki HUG is always on the lookout for speakers, so if you have super cool HashiCorp tools experience that you'd like to share get in touch with the organisers, Lauri or Anoop. Also open for sponsorships - host venue, snacks, swag! Likewise, get in touch!



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